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After completing the Academy of Fine Arts I didn't immediately start wedding photography.

I have always been busy with photography, but mainly focused on free work.


As my images evolved, I developed a soft spot for wedding photography.
By linking my own work to wedding photography, my own visual language has arisen.
As a photographer, I hope to get the freedom to make your story as pure and creative as possible.


Want to get to know me better?

Listen then to this podcast where I'm having a nice conversation with Alan Law of 'This is Reportage':


Living in the always cozy Breda together with my Italian boyfriend and since 2021 we also have a house in Bassano del Grappa where we live half the year. A house in a beautiful city at the foot of the Alps in Northern Italy. I love traveling, discovering love in different cultures and feel free and happy in nature. Carpe diem :)

Contact Denise Motz - trouwfotograaf
Trouwfotograaf Denise Motz in Frankrijk
Trouwfotograaf in Nepal Denise Motz
Bruidsfotograaf in helicopter Denise Motz
Portret Trouwfotograaf Denise Motz
Trouwfotograaf Denise Motz in Uganda, Afrika
Trouwfotograaf Denise Motz met Italiaanse vriend
Trouwfotograaf in Nepal Denise Motz
Trouwfotograaf Denise Motz in Nepal
Trouwfotograaf Denise Motz met Nepalees bruidspaar
Bruidsfotograaf in Italië Denise Motz
Bruidsfotograaf in Noorwegen Denise Motz
Bruidsfotograaf in Ibiza, Contact Denise Motz
Contact Denise Motz - trouwfotograaf


Phone: +31(0)6 40 20 63 05



Request a quotation, let me know what you need and reserve your wedding date.
I'd like to chat with you to learn more about you and see if it matches!



Pelmolenstraat 27

4811LR Breda


KvK-number: 56162413
VAT-number: NL001559419B38

Message received

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